The Penguin – non spoiler review

So, I remember watching the Batman. It was incredible… and the one thing that stuck in my head was the Penguin. First of all, Colin Farrell, the incredible makeup job that he had plus his superb acting really flipped me out. I couldn’t tell that it was him! His performance was really that good. Same thing with this series. 


Now, when I first checked it out, I have to admit, I was expecting a top hat and some trick umbrella nonsense. Some real Batman stuff. But what I received was some real gangster stuff. And I mean some real gangsta, gangster stuff. 


This is some real down and dirty street level La costa nostra, stuff the body in the trunk , crime stuff.

You recognize all the names from the Batman lore but I don’t know about you but when you watch this series, I don’t look for Batman at all. The story is so interesting, that you forget this is in the world of the Batman. And this goes for all the actors as well. I remember recognizing the head of a criminal family. I couldn’t put my finger on where I knew this guy from and I’m really good at that kind of thing because quite honestly, I’m a TV addict. 


So, I of course went to IMDB and looked up the cast and found who was playing this character. Turns out I remembered this guy from the 90s! He played one of the love interests of Lorilie Gilmore on the frickin’ Gilmore Girls. He played a frickin’ teacher! Now, he murders people… convincingly! Great actor. I was putting the guy in a box. He’s totally unrecognizable now. It’s not like he’s in makeup like Colin. It’s his performance. He;s completely lost in this character.


All the characters in this are fantastic and serve the storylines. The character of Victor is a kid and pretty much represents the audience. WE’re pretty much seeing the story through his eyes as he gets drawn deeper 7 deeper into the Penguins criminal world. The actor playing him is like all the others, fabulous. He even gave the kid an incredible stutter that lets you know that he’s really this neighborhood kid but when you see what he’s capable of it’s a little frightening.


Then there’s Sofia, who’s spent a stretch in Arkum Asylum. She’s super ambitious and super unbalanced. She’s actually the niece of our head of the crime family, Luca Falcone. She is a threat to the entire family but they treat her like a damaged child which hides her true intentions. I can’t wait to see where this takes her storyline.

Bottom line this is just a well written show. The Disney company should take notes and maybe start poaching talent from this show. Like I said, I watch a lot of TV. I work at home and I tend to watch things as I work. The TV actually keeps me company as I work and I have to say it’s been a while since a show has captured my attention the way this one has. And just to be clear I’m a Marvel guy but lately except for Deadpool & Wolverine, Marvel has SUCKED. 

they seemed to have stopped trying to impress and serve the fans. They seem to not like their fan base and are trying to lure these new fans in that they feel are more I guess modern in. However, ignoring your core audience is just plain stupid. They keep spending these absorbinant amounts and coming out with hot garbage. I hope they get tired of not earning money and go back to the stuff they used to do. 


I just “cancelled” my Disney Plus / Hulu subscriptions. Actually the email I signed up with doesn’t exist anymore so I just stopped paying for it. Disney can keep pumping out that nonsense but I don’t have to pay for it. Anyway, if you’re not watching it already, start watching the Penguin, an exceptional television show. From the acting to the writing it’s top notch.

Well, that’s my spoiler free review. I had to bite my tongue and drink heavily to not talk about the storylines in this show. So, check it out. Trust me, it’s like the Sopranos meets Casino meets Batman. Watch it and then drop me a line. You’re gonna love it. 

See ya next time!


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