
Professional sports mailer

About 20 years or so ago Major League Baseball contacted me while I was working for Nickelodeon. Apparently, a friend of mine that worked with me at a small Manhattan toy company had been looking for me to use on a particular assignment. The assignment was to design a new mascot for the Washington Nationals. To make a long story short, one afternoon I was doing invoices for a couple of jobs, my phone rings & lo & behold it’s my friend. He had found my website and my contact info (back then you could have your phone number on the web. Still not smart but I did it without consequences). Anyway, I took the assignment and that started more than 20+ years of working for Major League Baseball!

So, that bring us to today. With all that experience working of 30 or so teams of the MLB, I figured why not put all that knowledge to use? However, before I could put that plan into action, somebody who used to work at the MLB contacted me to do some character work for the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian football League! Once I finish  that job successfully that person had moved on to another Pro team in the states but his boss contacted me to do a activity sook for the roughriders to hand out to the kids halftime. Great job!!!

As you can see my sports experience was growing exponentially. A few more jobs from various leagues followed snd then Was once again staring at myself in the mirror and thinking to myself “I should really reach out to other leagues in a serious manner.” So, I went through all my drives and gathered all the stuff that I had done and created a site called “Promascotservices.com”. My intention was to create a postcard with this site address on it and market myself to other leagues in the hope that I could perform the same services that I had done for the other leagues that I had worked for. This seemed like a no brainer to me. So, what I’m woking on now is that postcard that I plan to send them I’m using overnightprint.com.

The reason I decided to go with them is because I went with them a few years ago to produce an absolutely beautiful business card This thing worked out great. I only have a few left ut what really got me was that right after that I did a 5X7 postcard with them as well. The thing was color accurate and came out super professional. Now, I tend to use (or start off with) PMS colors so printer usually get the colors just right. I’ve used the same technique on books and even animations for several companies. Workalike charm with the postcards as well. So, they’re a good company but the best thing about them is that overnight prints has a mailing service! Now if yove ever done a mass mailing, you know that they are a ton of work. This service makes my job a little easier. Basically, I listed all the leagues and the teams that are under them and used the internet to get all the teams contact info as well as all the league front office contact info and created a maili

The way it works is overnigtprints will print up the postcard and use the mailing list that you’ve uploaded to them to mail out your promo pieces. Now, this seems little archaic to some but what I’ve found is that when you do a mailing like this the person that your sending this stuff to, even if they hate it, they’ll view it at least once, unlike a promo email thats just to easy to trash or be seen as spam and just deleted. If they like it even if they have nothing for you at the time, if its well designed, they’ll actually keep it and when there’s something for you, your piece is right there with your contact info! 

So, there’s where I’m at right now. I’m working on really cool post card to send out. A keeper so to speak. Once I have this done I’ll post it on my site and her in my newsletter. There’s absolutely no garruntee that I’ll get any traction or assignment from this but I have the relevent commercial experience & a portfolio of stuff so we’ll see what happens. In any case I’ll let you all know what happens in the following months. By the way, you can see some of the things I’ve done at promascotservices.com. I’m still molding things. In fact Im designing a new main page for the site as we speak so things may change over time. I want to get things as right as I can before I send things out.

Well I’ll leave this post here and see you in the next  post. I’ll see you then! Lata!!!

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