Well, I have not had cable in years. Truth be told there were one or two channels that I watched on the regular so it was like paying for nothing. On top of that I had been with this company for over 25 years. To repay my loyalty they raised my monthly bill to just shy of $300 bucks. A friend of mine suggested that I call them up and explain to them exactly how long I had been with them and try to work out a deal to lower my bill. So, I called them up and laid everything out to them. “I’m sorry sir, there’s nothing I can do…”
Now , about this time I was streaming quite a bit and I was big into cordcutting. I thought to myself, you know I’m ready to cut them loose and just stream everything. Just the other day I read this article explaining that the networks actually still put out a strong broadcast signal. They even make sure that the signal is in HD! All I needed was a quality antenna and if I wanted to get fancy a DVR. In fact Amazon had just come out with one! This particular one worked with fire tv which I was using exclusively. So I purchased one and one of those flat antennas. I hooked everything up and actually got 60 channels which included all my locals.
I promptly called my cable company and told them to pick up all their crap which I had unhooked the other day. Not having that bill was incredible! This worked for a number of years. I think about six in total. I’d still be using that setup today if not for the fact that Amazon discontinued my DVR!!! Now with my savings I even upgraded my antenna and got an even better picture and crap-loads of other stations. To make a long story short I headed to Amazon and looked for another DVR. I decided to check out a brand that I’d been hearing about for a few years. Tablo. I decided to get one because well… it seemed great, had all the features I wanted, and wasn’t overly expensive.
I remember I got the Amazon package on a Wednesday morning and by that afternoon I had the thing hooked up and working. Now I have several TV’s in all with Amazon fire sticks. Turns out Tablo has an app for Fire sticks! I installed the app on all the TV’s and the Tablo wirelessly beams the tv signal to all my TV’s… in HD!I have 164 channels in total plus about 3 subscriptions to streaming plat forms. I’m basically watching all the same shows that I watched with cable for a fraction of the cost!
Now, I said all that to say, one of the Chanel’s that I get over the air is METV. It’s one of those classic channels that shows all the classic tv shows like Good Times.recently they launched a classic cartoon channel called ME TV Toons. Now I love this channel. They show all the good stuff from my childhood! Shows like Superfriends, Scooby Doo, the Flintstones & the Jetsons to name a few. You can check out their website at metvtoons.com. I was just watching the Real Ghostbusters and was surprised at how good it was animated. Great stuff. Strictly anime.
This station runs 24-7 and is totally free and in my opinion is 50 times better than the Cartoon Network. Just to give you an idea of the schedule just follow this link https://metvtoons.com/schedule . Now, this is the schedule that I follow. For your city just enter your zip code. And if that’s not enough for you, these guys add stuff all the time so this isn’t the final schedule.
Now, they do show this channel on cable and this site will let you know how to watch it no matter what you have. Now, just in case your cable company is raping you too I’m including my streaming equipment at the bottom of this article and I have to say it’s pretty great and inexpensive. To make a long story short, there’s no reason to pay the ridiculous amount that cable is charging. I do pay for my internet but there are new cheaper options out there and new ones coming online fairly soon. Within a year soon. I plan to write about them in this blog so stay tuned!!!
Anyhow, I’ve already rambled enough. Check out METV& METV Toons. They’re 2 really good channels that are on your cable system but you can get them for free! I’ll see you next time. I have to go and make some money!!!