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Bell & Howell Bionic Floodlight

So let me tell you a little story. I guess this was around 2011. I have this old couch in the living room that literally wraps itself around you. So comfortable. One day after work I lay down on it to watch some tv and the damn thing wraps me up and I fall asleep. The TV was watching me!

I wake up around 10 pm, wide awake. Myeye’s were as big as saucers. I must of got 10 hours of sleep. I was up. So, I went upstairs to my bedroom and watched some TV (yes I’m a television addict if you haven’t guessed by now). They had a marathon of some 70’s show, I can’t remember which cause I’m old now… sigh.

Anyway, I think at this point it’s about 2 in the morning. The window next to head faces out on my driveway. I opened it up to get some air and the dog next door was barking his head off so I decided to see what what was going on. So, I peeked out and saw a white van backing into my driveway!

Two guys with some pretty heavy duty tools got out and opened the van’s back door.

Doors I’m assuming to load stuff in. Now, I would love to tell you that I ran downstairs with my gun and scared them off but… I don’t have a gun anymore (misspent youth) and I’m pretty sure they did. I saw it gleaming in the moonlight.

My saving grace was that one of them slipped and set off their car alarm alarm. It made a racket and woke up half the neighborhood. They quickly got back into the van and drove off like a bat out of hell making even more noise!

The next day I inspected my property and found that they were in such a hurry that they had dropped and left their tools. @ gig heavy wrench looking things that I still have! Anyway, I think that the reason they were so bold and were going to break into my particular house was that it wa stoutly dark. I mean DARK DARK.

It was 2 am, I had all the light off and there were no external lights. Hell, I would have robbed me! As I was thinking then I remembered a conversation I had with a salesman earlier that afternoon. Never gave it a second thought because I used to get like 3 of those a day. He had on unofficial shirt and jacket and said he was selling siding (which I needed at the Time)

He asked a bunch of questions which in retrospect were a perfect fact finding mission for a burglar. Do you work? When are you going to be home so we can bring sample? Etc, etc. Pretty sure he was working with these guys. Anyway, I was determined that that would never happen again. I went straight to Amazon.

I bought some solar lights that didn’t need wiring ( because my house id oooold) I’ll leave a link to what I bought. Now they worked great for year but eventually thy stopped working (they got waterlogged). Recently, I replaced all of them with these Bionic Floodlights. Let me tell you 400 times brighter and I again didn’t need to do any wiring. They’re solar powered. These things light up my property like Christmas tree. The best part about it I only needed two them! And they’re waterproof to boot!

Give them a try especially if you’re not handy. Now I didn’t want to screw into my houses siding so I picked up some of that outdoor double stick tape. So far it’s holding great and there have been several downpour but I’ll keep you posted.

Here are some links to the things on Amazon. When I move to North Carolina these things are coming with me!


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