Blog Relaunch

Photo by Alesia Kazantceva

Well my friends, this is the official relaunch of my blog! For the past few months I’ve been putting together my monthly newsletter (which starts in September), putting together My Patreon and restarting my vector clipart business, all of which I will document here as part of this blog.

I’ve also started a small boutique publishing business to handle my ideas that don’t get picked up by a major publisher. Let’s face it, I think the concepts are good but they may not like them and I figured this was a good way to get them out there and into the hands of kids who may like this stuff.

I’d like to document the process of all the things that I’m doing here 1. To keep me honest and accountable 2. To pass on any tips I may have from a 20+ year career and maybe help some folks out who are just starting out on the crazy journey.

We’re also living in a world filled with A.I. where some very untalented folk can just enter a promo and get some really cool looking artwork out of these sites and apps. Now, I’m not a hater! I use these things myself. The difference is that I don’t rely on them. If they all vanished tomorrow I’d be fine. However, I figured I’d learn to use them and not be left behind.

I don’t use A.I. in any of my Illustration work. It’s all done by hand but in my business endeavors it can be useful. And if the A.I. throws out something crazy like 8 fingers or a sheep head, I can actually use my skills to correct the offending images.

So, basically the way to live in this new world is to create things. This will not only boost your portfolio but provide you with a source of income. Thankfully, this A.I. stuff is not copyrightable. Therefore my clients don’t like to use these systems. They want to own what thy create so that can protect the stuff as well as make money.

In other words the key to survive is pretty simple. Make good stuff! If you have a children’s book created with A.I. in a store and next To it you have a traditionally done book, which one are you going to buy? Whichever is done better. Whichever one has the better art & story. So, do good stuff. It doesn’t matter what you do it with just make sure that it’s good.

Well, so goeth the relaunch! Just know that I’ll have new stuff here weekly and on Patreon in September. Make sure you sign up for our newsletter to be informed of this things as well as receiving updates on my latest projects, coupons, clipart & discount codes! See ya when I see ya!


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